
WEB LAYOUT GENERATOR is a layout code generator which is designed to deal with web layout problems.

It provided more then 40 commonly used layout templates to meet your various layout needs, and more – you can generate your own layout with the flexbox visual designer.

Flexbox is flexible boxes layout mode in CSS3, is widely supported by modern browsers, especially mobile phone browsers. Using it is easy to make a grid system that arbitrarily splits your pages. Inside the generator there is a detailed description of flexbox, which help you master this powerful layout tool as soon as possible.

The layout generator generates well-compatible layout code, so you do not need to worry about the display being different in different browsers.

When you choose a layout template or design a layout, the generator will give you clear css and html code, and you can download an html file that contains all of the layout code.

Generated code is easy to integrate into your existing project and does not conflict with your existing code.


  1. Predefine most of common used web templates. ready to use.
  2. Contains a Flexbox Visual Designer.
  3. Generate responsive code with good compatibility
  4. Generated code with no dependicy
  5. Generated code with no conflict with your project code.
  6. Easy to use.


WEB LAYOUT GENERATOR is a web application, so just open the application folder and double-click index.html :

  1. Open index.html in the web app folder.
  2. Deploy the web app folder to the nginx/apache server or other web host.

Next, we plan to package them into client programs, including mac, window, linux.

Download files:

  1. assets folder: Web application resource files, including javascript, css and images(compressed).
  2. index.html: The web application entry

  3. help.pdf: documentation file

  4. Including javascript, css, html and images(uncompressed).


  1. There is a pdf format documentation file in the downloaded files.
  2. Or you can read full documentation on line.

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